BioMark Raman SenSers Product Launch

BioMark Raman SenSers Product Launch at Strategies on Biophotonics Boston September 9-11 2014!divAbstract

BioMark is proud to announce the launch of its first generation Raman SERS at the first Strategies in Biophotonics conference held in Boston. The technology platform was developed by Dr. Reuven and Dr. Hof from the University of Victoria, BioMark and Innovative Photonics Solutions.

Jim Elliott, the Principal Engineer is shown below at the show along with the team from Innovative Photonics Solutions. The trio of experts are working on new developments for BioMark’s next generation of Raman analytical systems. BioMark is in negotiations with multiple partners both locally and internationally for product sales and placement later in 2014 or early 2015.

IPS and Jim_sm


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