We believe cancer can be cured

Leading the world in early stage cancer detection . . .

while providing better detection, monitoring and screening solutions for hard to detect cancers by using liquid biopsy.


We have a new approach to clinical cancer treatment and commercialization.



Identifying Biomarkers in Liquid Biopsy by Using Metabolomics

Biomarkers are proteins, genes, and other molecules. They also affect how cancer can grow, and multiply, in addition to dying within the body.



Working with Oncologists

Oncologists are the frontline doctors. Moreover they provide the medical care and treatments for people diagnosed with cancer.


Leveraging Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are powerful tools. They undoubtedly make the study of cancer easier with faster, more accurate results.

The Biomark Way

The Power of Metabolomics


Check Out the BioMark™ Cancer Education Videos

BioMark™ and Phytronix Partnership

BioMark is proud to announce a partnership with Phytronix Canada. The patented Phytronix laser diode thermal desorption technology compliments mass spectrometry analysis.

How the BioMark™ Technology Works

BioMark's technology is a significant innovation in early-stage cancer detection and cancer treatment.

Biomark™ Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer. But when detected in its most early stage using BioMark's technology it's treatable and recoverable.

Cancer Facts: How Common is Cancer?

Sadly, cancer is far too common and will affect one out of four people. But the impact is even larger, affecting almost everyone.

Innovative New Technologies

Hand-picked, global team of scientists, engineers, and medical professionals.

BioMark™ Diagnostics


Innovative diagnostic tools designed to improve patient outcomes in the detection of metabolites.


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early stage cancer detection - BioMark Diagnostics we believe cancer can be cured
early stage cancer detection - BioMark Diagnostics we believe cancer can be cured

© 2024 BioMark Diagnostics Inc. All Rights Reserved. BioMark’s mission is to provide universal access to a new paradigm in cancer diagnostics using metabolomics.